Cannot retrieve contributors at this time
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Ю=-=--==-=--==--==-=-=--=-==-=-=--=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ю | |
Ю В И Р У С З А В А С независимо файлово издание брой 14 31.12.1996 Ю | |
Ю=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=ю | |
Днес в броя... | |
ТъТъеМ? - историята на един нещастен руут и някакъв си хакер. | |
Пълноценното използване на unix системите - пълен самоучител. | |
▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ | |
░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Лаф на деня! ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ | |
═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ | |
▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ | |
░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ И още.... ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ | |
═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ | |
A vision without a task is but a dream | |
A task without a vision is drudgery | |
A vision with a task is the hope of the world. | |
- Carved on a church, 1730 | |
Surrey, England | |
▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ | |
░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ AIX4 - новата OS на IBM ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ | |
═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ | |
Новата операционна система на IBM е идеална за разрастващата се дейност на | |
все по-нашумелите у нас ИСП-та. Тя ви гарантра сигурност, лесна поддръжка, | |
добра защита на системните ресурси и повишена производителност. Тя повишава | |
самочувствието на вашите потребители (АКА "абонати"). Поръчайте сега! | |
За закупилите системата IBM предлага специална оферта на система AS/400 или | |
RS/6000, като ви дава целия софтуер под наем, запазвайки правото си да го | |
подмени или прибере обратно, което ви гарантира увереност в дълготрайната | |
безпроблемна работа на вашата система! | |
За контакти: | |
▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ Статия на броя ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ | |
░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Едно съвсем случайно приключение ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ | |
═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ от Юзер Ю-звер-ски ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ | |
(Текст, upload-нат в new директорията на един столичен FidoNet BBS | |
през guest account-а. Автор-неизвестен.) | |
=-=-=-=-=-=- Начало на статията | |
Седя си аз и си набирам 91919 за Inex такси, както всеки новоизлюпен | |
хакер използвам модем за целта! Само дето моята клавиатура е малко | |
разбърникана и съм принуден да използвам numpad-овете. Явно след | |
дълга работа, пръстчето ми е трепнало леко надолу и съм объркал | |
една от единиците. След малко (за моя почуда) чета на екрана | |
следното: | |
CONNECT 28000/ARQ/V34 | |
... и нищо. Като всеки тъп потребител праснах два-три-четири- | |
пет бързи enter-а и кво? "Username>"! Тук у мен се събуди хакерското | |
и се отказах да се прибирам да спя. От осмия път познах един account с | |
име==парола и се linkup-нах :-) След като ми писна да си browse-вам | |
напред-назад и да мънкам пи-пи-пи, реших да разгледам що за машина | |
е тази... | |
Меню. Малко меню. Пуска разни неща със system("<censored>") и... | |
Елементарно! В системата има talk. А аз имам един стар приятел, казва | |
се /bin/sh. Та talk-вам си аз с &/bin/sh и той от радост ми вика $... | |
Абе аз не съм лош човек, иначе можех и да позабърша диск-два, ама | |
нейсе. Поразгелдах системата, ама нищо интересно - само gif-ове от | | Дори и в home директориите на потребителите -- пак | |
красавици... :) Сякаш си нямаме достатъчно в magdanoz... | |
Тогава се сетих че ми трябва един нов twsk25g.exe и си пуснах find... | |
След малко забелязвам -- root-а си седи пред машината и не му прави | |
ни най-малко впечатление, че cd-то самоволно си върти. Както и да е, | |
източих я. | |
Еxit-нах. За радост router-а имаше help, при това context sensitive! | |
Разгледах повечето му команди (за заинтересуваните са интересни se p, | |
lo p 3, sh u, con address и доста други, абе вижте си ги сами). | |
Писна ми. Какво толкова може един router. Е, не можах да го | |
преконфигурирам на CTS/RTS handshake, за да мога да си пусна zmodem, | |
ама какво от това... Пратих си нещата на :-) | |
Под неща разбирайте passwd, shadow и някои други, които само като се | |
изрекат на глас и идват няколко стари unix призрака от 01-01-1970... | |
Разбира се, повечето потребители си ползваха Windows 95 и следващото | |
забавление беше да сменя една две опции в системата, да си инсталирам | |
95 и да click-на на Network Neighbourhood... Умно е да си share-неш | |
целия диск и да кажеш full access на Everyone :-( E, да ти преименуват | |
winsock.dll на winsock.ldd може да се възприеме и като дребна | |
приятелска шега в някои среди. Намерих и един ценен екземпляр с добре | |
инсталиран Winдoze NT и разни екстра tools-ове! Реших, че е печен и му | |
Shut-down-нах компютъра, с време за реагиране 120 секунди. Тъпо е да | |
имаш DHCP и да не погледнеш в Properties, нали? ;-) | |
Писна ми и това дребно удоволствие и реших да почета малко поща. Поща | |
ли? Каква поща? Нали току що бях влязъл и то не като аз? Ами много е | |
просто - чуждата, разбира се! Това обаче е удоволствие, само когато | |
хората са на ниво... След като прочетох около 20 съобщения за това | |
как е мама и много поздрави на хиляди неизвестни хора, няколко | |
договора за внос/износ на какви_ли_не_дивотии, реших да събера всичката | |
поща (~/mail/inbox/*) и да си grep-вам за нещо по-интересно. До | |
половината вървеше flawlessly, ама се намри някакъв гад, който беше | |
влизал преди мен в sh и си беше направил правата за ~/ както правят | |
белите хора... Отказах се и от това, но поне до неговата директория | |
прегледах почти всичко - нищо интересно. :( | |
Реших и аз да се правя на сериозен хакер и да си позачистя следите... | |
Е, не е кой-знае колко трудно да се сетиш да напишеш rm .sh_* като | |
първа команда, защото в новите unix системи се срещат и разни екстри | |
като recycle bin например... | |
Писна ли ви да четете кой-какво-къде бил правил? Искате да знаете как? | |
Ами не е трудно... Речник: ei, bdata, bti, smartcom, tradel, | |
/etc/passwd... | |
=-=-=-=-=-=- Край на статията | |
▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ | |
░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Виц на броя ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ | |
═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ | |
These two strings walk into a bar and sit down. The bartender says, "So | |
what'll it be?" | |
The first string says, "I think I'll have a beer quag fulk boorg jdk^CjfdLk | |
jk3s d#f67howe%^U r89nvy~~owmc63^Dz x.xvcu" | |
"Please excuse my friend." the second string says, "He isn't null-terminated." | |
▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ КОЛОНКА НА РЕДАКТОРИТЕ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ | |
░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Strange kidS or stupid kidS ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ | |
═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ от Winnie the PooH ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ | |
=== Cut === | |
WP: Hi Stoian, this is your sysop | |
WP: hello | |
SS: Hello | |
WP: you will never download the file using these bad protocols X and Y modem.. | |
WP: try Zmodem | |
SS: My program does not support zmodem | |
WP: then the bad thing is your program. find another one and then try again! | |
SS: iskam da te pitam v DOS ili v Windows e po dobre da se svarzvam | |
WP: zawisi.. za DOS ima mnogo po-dobri terminalni programi. za Windows puk ima | |
WP: drugi neshta.. zawisi.. | |
SS: Kazaha mi che v windows e po bavno | |
WP: towa ne e problem, zashtoto mozhe da se smeni comm.drv i da se oprawi. | |
SS: Prochete li v maila te pitam nesto | |
WP: ne. oshte ne sum si chel poshtata.. | |
SS: Pitam te dali moze v Internet da se pazaruva s chuzdi credit card | |
WP: mozhe, no e po-weroiatno da te hwanat. | |
WP: I kakwo sa si kupili do sega? | |
SS: Mnogo ot moite priateli go prawiat no s drebni sumi i CD,flanelki i dr. | |
WP: Towa ne e garancia, che wyobshte sa izpolzwali creditni carti | |
SS: Te imat niakakwi nomera i kazvat che kato iskash da kupish prosto popalvash | |
SS: nomera | |
WP: ne stawa.ima drugi neshta, koito se proweriawat po-kusno.. naprimer - adres, | |
WP: ssn (social security number) i t.n. predi 5 godini beshe po-wyzmozhno-sega | |
WP: ne. | |
WP: Po zakonite na USA i na drugite ewropejski durzhawi, izpolzwanet na kreditni | |
WP: karti na chuzhdi sobstwenici e uglawno prestuplenie s osobeno golemi razmeri. | |
WP: Nakazanieto e goliamo, globata sushto. Mogat da wi razkataiat. Nishto, che | |
WP: sme | |
WP: w Bulgaria. I wyobshte - po-dobre ne se prawete na smeli hackercheta. | |
SS: Toest ti mi kazvash che oste stava no ne mi go preporachvash Niakoi okolo | |
SS: tebe | |
SS: hvastali li sa go | |
WP: s fanelki CompuServe i AOL se motaiat po ulitzite i se gordeiat, che sa | |
WP: otkradnali! kak wyobshte si mislite za towa ? shto ne wlozhite | |
WP: polozhitelnata | |
WP: si energia i poznania za komputrite w neshto, koeto shte wi nosi mnogo puti | |
WP: poweche pari!? | |
SS: 1-Ti li si avtora na VFU-to | |
SS: 2-Koe spored tebe nosi mnogo pari v Bulgaria | |
SS: 3-Triabva da sabiram 1 week pari za da si kupia markova flanelka s mizernite | |
SS: si LEVOVI spestiavania | |
WP: 1-az biah awtor, t.e. sy-awtor na VFU-tata. | |
WP: 2-towa e neshto, koeto sam triabwa da otkriesh. to taka na gotowo - ne | |
WP: stawa. | |
WP: 3-syzhaliawam. da si se rodil na drugo miasto. no yawno ne si, taka, che ne | |
WP: wizhdam prichina towa da te kara da kradesh. | |
WP: 4-az se sumniawam, che wyobshte niakoi ot was osuznawa polozhenieto si i | |
WP: wsyshtnost kakwo prawi. smiatate, che e mnogo hitro da izpolzwate na niakoi | |
WP: chowek parite, dori bez da go poznawate. bez da znaete, na tozi imenno | |
WP: chowek edna takawa krazhba kak shte mu se otrazi? imate li danni za towa, | |
WP: dali toi plashta smetkata i znaesh li kakwo e da niamash drug izbor | |
WP: oswen da ya platish? | |
SS: V USA horata opredeleno ne sa za milost i tova ne e tochno krazba i zasto | |
SS: pishesh v VFU-to samo loshi nesta za nas kato nie samo se opitvame da | |
SS: ziveem dobre????????? | |
WP: Na kolko si godini? | |
SS: Na malko | |
WP: Kolko? | |
SS: malko | |
WP: 13? | |
SS: poveche | |
WP: 14? | |
SS: poveche kakvo te interesuva | |
WP: Mi zashto si kriesh wyzrastta? | |
SS: a ti zasto me pitash | |
WP: Interesno mi e. | |
SS: a ti na kolko si | |
WP: Smiatash li, che e chestno taka da postupwash? Sys sigurnost sum po-goliam | |
WP: ot teb, zadadoh ti wypros, ti pochna da mi se prawish... Kazhi sega na | |
WP: kolko si godini i az shte ti kazha. | |
SS: na 19 | |
WP: Ne ti wiarwam. | |
SS: zasto | |
WP: Kakwo uchish? | |
SS: Ucha v Mladost uchilishteto za computeri | |
WP: Deto e kum MEI? | |
SS: Yes pravo v celta | |
WP: Ok. W moita firma raboti edno momche deto minalata godina go zawurshi. | |
WP: Dokato | |
WP: beshe oshte w uchilishte mi razprawiashe za nego.. Kakto i da e.. Toi sega | |
WP: e w | |
WP: MEI, a nawurshi 19 predi 3 mesetza. Taka, che mnogo losho me izluga. | |
SS: E, moze malko da sum izlagal | |
WP: da. naprimer s kolko godini? | |
SS: 2 | |
WP: 17. nali? a mozhe bi oshte ne si gi nawurshil. | |
SS: sega ste vzimam knizka(driver-ska) taka che 17+ | |
WP: za kakwo goworia. ili razgowariaj s majka ti na taia tema. | |
SS: Ia mi kachi price listata za internet | |
WP: imam go samo na hartia tuk.. obadi se i wlez kato guest. | |
WP: ama tam mozhesh da ya widish samo na ekrana ili s zmodem. | |
SS: Imam zmodem no tova e drug vapros , znaesh li vchera se zamislih kakva e | |
SS: dalaverata(pechalbata) ot BBS mozesh li da mi obiasnish ako ne te ,marzi | |
WP: ne me marzi, ama wseki Sysop si ima sobstweno mnenie. Az go prawia za kef | |
WP: weche. ot 6 godini imam BBSi. Ne samo edin. I dosega finansowa dalawera ne | |
WP: sum | |
WP: widial.. Oswen trupaneto na tui narechenite Nematerialni Aktiwi. No towa e | |
WP: neshto, koeto shte mi e trudno da ti obiasnia s pisane. | |
SS: No vse pak tova te vkarva v razhodi pone tiah pokrivash li | |
WP: pokriwam gi, no ne s prihodi ot BBSite. a s druga rabota. | |
SS: A kakvo oznachava XaX | |
WP: Nishto. :) | |
SS: CPS rate triabva da dava sredno | |
WP: 2400 e mnogo bawno. Ama mnogo bawno. Wsushtnost za drugi neshta oswen za | |
WP: chetene na poshta i chat ne stawa weche. Edno wreme az sushto sum bil na | |
WP: 2400, | |
WP: no e otwratitelno. A i sega cenite sa mnogo niski. Edin 14400 modem s voice | |
WP: struwa pod 60 dolara. Kakto i da e. XaX i wsichki ostanali moi systemi sa na | |
WP: 33600. | |
SS: Viarno 14400 struva pod 60 no bokluk a ne markov | |
WP: Ne e zadulzhitelno da si kupuwash markov modem. Ima mnogo dobri zhulti | |
WP: modemi. | |
WP: Towa e wyzmozhno da stawa i ot drugi prichini. Primerno, che twoiat priatel | |
WP: ne | |
WP: znae kak da si go nastroi. Ima mnogo neshta ot koito zawisi skorostta. I w | |
WP: powecheto sluchai ne e ot modema. | |
SS: miDobre da ama moia dava sredno 330 istiga do 550 tova za mene e | |
SS: zadovolitelno | |
SS: i e dobre za 2400 , spored mene v BG niama nuzda ot po dobar | |
WP: ne priemam twoeto mnenie za wiarno i ne smiatam, che shte go zadurzhish | |
WP: dulgo | |
WP: wreme. 330-550 CPS mozhesh da poluchish SAMO na textowi - nekompresirani | |
WP: failowe, i to ako modemut ti poddurzha data compression. W protiwen sluchai | |
WP: maximumut, koito mozhesh da postignesh e 250-270 CPS! | |
WP: Na krastawiachar... nali znaesh prikazkata? | |
SS: Ne e viarno naTvoia kolko CPS ti dava | |
WP: moia :)) moia dawa 3500. | |
SS: Dobre de niakoi hora kazvat che kolkoto ida e dobar modema v BG ne moze da | |
SS: se | |
SS: izkara mnogo | |
WP: ami twoiat problem e, che im wiarwash! | |
SS: Kolko e max. BPS koito si izkarval | |
WP: fizicheskata skorot na modema mi e 33600. | |
SS: IZKARAL SI 33600 | |
WP: estestweno! Abe pich, kato ne wiarwash - ela da widish! kwo mi gubish | |
WP: wremeto | |
WP: da mi razkazwah niakoi debil kakwo ti bil kazal!!!!!!! | |
SS: Kazi mi koi ot zaltite sa dobri | |
WP: powecheto ot tiah sa bezimenni. | |
SS: A SmartLink | |
WP: stawa. | |
SS: Ama ne | |
WP: Problemut, ne e w modema wi, a w negowia setup. | |
WP: Demek, chetete knizhki. | |
WP: Ok. Za drugoto - drugia put. | |
SS: krai | |
WP: chao | |
WP: ok.. chao | |
=== Cut === | |
▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-= ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ | |
░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ UNIX Самоучител (Продължава от VFU.013) ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ | |
═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ | |
pooh:~# rm -r * ~ | |
~: no such file or directory | |
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- | |
~#@! ATTENTION! Proceedin' furthermore can degrade your motional skills (*&^ | |
$^*%&^ and make you misbehave properly in society! #@$^&* | |
*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- | |
baby(1) USER COMMANDS baby(1) | |
NAME | |
baby - create new process from two parents | |
baby -sex m | f [ -name name ] | |
baby is initiated when one parent process polls another | |
server process through a socket connection in the BSD ver- | |
sion or through pipes in the System V implementation. baby | |
runs at low priority for approximately forty weeks and then | |
terminates with a heavy system load. Most systems require | |
constant monitoring when baby reaches its final stages of | |
execution. | |
Older implentations of baby did not require both initiating | |
processes to be present at the time of completion. In those | |
versions the initiating process which was not present was | |
awakened and notified of the results upon completion. It | |
has since been determined that the presence of both parent | |
processes result in a generally lower system load at comple- | |
tion, and thus current versions of baby expect both parent | |
processes to be active during the final stages. | |
Successful completion of baby results in the creation and | |
naming of a new process. Parent processes then broadcast | |
messages to all other processes, local and remote, informing | |
them of their new status. | |
-sex define the gender of the created process | |
-name | |
assign the name name to the new process | |
baby -sex f -name Jacqueline | |
completed successfully on July 9, 1992 at 9:11pm. | |
Jacqueline's vital statistics: 8 pounds 3 oz, 20 | |
inches long dark hair. The parent process, Kim | |
Dunbar, is reportedly doing fine. | |
cigar(6), dump(5), cry(3). | |
BUGS | |
Despite its complexity, baby only knows one signal, SIGCHLD, | |
(or SIGCLD in the System V implementation), which it uses to | |
contact the parent processes. One or both parent processes | |
must then inspect the baby process to determine the cause of | |
the signal. | |
The sleep command may not work as expected on either parent | |
process for some time afterward, as each new instance of | |
baby sends intermittent signals to the parent processes | |
which must be handled by the parents immediately. | |
A baby process will frequently dump core, requiring either | |
or both parent processes to clean up after it. | |
Despite the reams of available documentation on invoking and | |
maintaining baby, most parent processes are overwhelmed. | |
From a man page by Joe Beck, . | |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | |
LSD(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual LSD(1) | |
NAME | |
lsd - turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream | |
lsd [ -dsS ] brandname user ... | |
Disturbs the given users according to dosage, set, and setting. | |
If more than one user is specified, each will be affected by the | |
others, according to the arguments they give to lsd on their | |
own terminals or machines. It is recommended that one of the users | |
in a group specify a dose of 0, and that at least one other user be | |
experienced in using lsd. | |
Brandname is usually a blotter pattern, but may be used to specify | |
a non-blotter form, such as "windowpane" or "pyramid." | |
There are a number of options, each of which can have a strange and | |
not completely predictable effect on the users: | |
-d Dosage. A dosage of 1 to 3 is recommended for first time | |
users, although strength varies with brandname and storage | |
conditions. | |
-s Set. Recommended values are "calm," "happy," and "groovy." | |
Sets like "angry," "frustrated," and "bummed" may cause file | |
system damage, and should be avoided. For these sets, other | |
utilities are available (see "valium"). | |
-S Setting. Recommended are "familiar," "interesting," and | |
"comfortable." Hostile and challenging settings are reserved | |
for experienced users. | |
/etc/trips is a log of system-wide use of lsd since booting. | |
BUGS | |
When invoked with incorrect arguments, lsd will print out a random, | |
Unixy-sounding error message and remove this man page. | |
User state should return to normal in twelve hours or less after | |
invoking lsd. With extreme parameters, however, this cannot always | |
be guaranteed. | |
The output device is assumed to be 80 columns wide. | |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | |
SLeePos(zzz) SleepIX Programmer's Manual dream(1l) | |
NAME | |
dream - suspend execution for an interval while executing | |
random code in memory | |
dream [-d][[-nrRsw] [time]] | |
Dream suspends execution of the current proces for time | |
seconds, while simulating a dream sequence by executing random | |
segments of code in memory. All devices are paralyzed (blocked) | |
to prevent dangerous side-effects. The options are as follows: | |
-d daydream. code seems to be more related to the actual | |
suspended process, and suspension will be for a limited | |
amount of time. Attention can be restored by snapping | |
fingers next to keyboard. | |
-n nightmare. Repeated references to the system error logs | |
are made during execution. | |
-r recurring. The code of a previous execution will be | |
re-selected for this dream. | |
-R REM (Rapid Eye Movement). The current value of the PC is | |
is flashed on the screen for every instruction. | |
-s sleepwalking. Tape drives will be sent many alternating | |
fast-forward and rewind requests and/or line printers sent | |
many alternating carraige-return and tab codes to promote | |
movement of machine(s) across floor. Stopping these | |
devices may confuse the program. | |
-w wet dream. The code is selected from the sex(1l) program. | |
Dream will invoke automatically with the -d option when the | |
system proves extremely slow. | |
The relation of the randomly-executed code to the subconcious | |
(background tasks) of the current processes is suspected but has | |
not been proven. | |
do not select the -w option without covering the keyboard. | |
sleep(1), sex(1l), dream(3l), alarm(3C) | |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | |
PLACE(1) Parody Systems PLACE(1) | |
NAME | |
place - print and set the system location | |
place [ [-v] [-]ddmmss[-]dddmmss ] [ +format ] | |
If no argument is given, or if the argument begins with | |
``+'', the current location (latitude and longitude) are | |
printed. Otherwise, the current location is set by | |
teleporting the system. The first dd is the degrees of | |
latitude (negative for south); mm is the minutes of | |
latitude; ss is the seconds of latitude. The second ddd is | |
the degrees of longitude (negative for west); and so on. | |
For example: | |
place 385100-1050300 | |
sets the location of the system to the top of Pikes Peak, | |
Colorado. The correct altitude is automatically provided | |
and cannot be specified. The system operates in feet. | |
Place takes care of the conversion to and from local | |
standard measurement units. | |
When a new location is set, all logged-in terminals and | |
users are transported along with all other system | |
peripherals. | |
If the -v (verbose) option is specified when a new location | |
is set, place prints a running description of the locations | |
the system passes through enroute to the given destination. | |
Note that this can slow down transport time considerably, | |
from instantaneous to however long it takes to print the | |
description to standard output. This option is not | |
recommended if stdout is a terminal connected at less than | |
4800 baud, since hitting BREAK can leave the system | |
stranded. | |
Attempting to set the place off-planet generates a warning, | |
and requires an extra confirmation from the (super)user. | |
If the argument begins with ``+'', the output of place is | |
under the control of the user. The format for the output is | |
similar to that of date(1). All output fields which use | |
hours, minutes, or seconds are applicable (substitute | |
"degrees" for hours, where appropriate). | |
Place writes an accounting record on the file /usr/adm/wtmp. | |
No permission If you aren't the super-user and you try to | |
move the system. | |
bad conversion If the place set is syntactically incorrect, | |
or below sea level. | |
bad format character | |
If the field descriptor is not recognizable. | |
/dev/kmem | |
/usr/adm/wtmp | |
/usr/lib/altitudes | |
Alan Silverstein, Hewlett-Packard | |
date(1), whereami(1), whothefuckami(1) | |
BUGS | |
If there is not a supply of compatible electric power at the | |
new location, the system usually crashes before place | |
finishes writing accounting information to /usr/adm/wtmp. | |
This command should not be used on systems connected to a | |
Local Area Network, for obvious reasons. | |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | |
NCM(1) (Essential Fluids) NCM(1) | |
NAME | |
ncm - new coffee maker | |
ncm [ -RadCxmlnogrtucpFbqisf ] [caf|decaf|columbian] | |
For each available heating unit, ncm determines if coffee | |
exists, is hot, and is not tar(4). If any of these are | |
true, the necessary actions are taken to change the | |
situation as required, or as specified by the environment | |
variable BURNERS. ncp then gathers the necessary material | |
and proceeds. The -M option makes coffee in the morning. | |
The drinkinfo(4) database is used to determine the blend and | |
the amount of caffeine, based on the environment variables | |
DRINK, TZ, and the current time. If this information cannot | |
be obtained, full strength Maxwell House is assumed. | |
The ncm command has many, many more than the following | |
options, not all of which are currently supported. Some may | |
never be supported. We are really busy here, and we will | |
try to get around to it as soon as possible, but Doc is | |
breathing down my neck to get something else done, so you | |
will just have to be patient!: | |
-R Recursively make coffee until all resources are | |
exhausted. | |
-a Generate aroma only. | |
-l The same as -n except slower. | |
-d Brew decaf. Will not operate before 10:30 am. | |
-n The same as -l | |
-j Use Jamaica Blue Mountain primo special. This can only | |
be executed by coffeadmin. | |
-r Reverse the order of brewing to get newest first or | |
oldest first as appropriate. | |
-v Execute the vgrind(1) program before proceeding for a | |
fresher brew. | |
ncp -ldm NOW! | |
Make lots of coffee now! | |
/etc/grinder | |
/etc/filter | |
tee(1), coke(1), sync(1). | |
The ncm command may be used as a filter. | |
For more information see the "Making Good Coffee" section of | |
Chapter 10 of the Kitchen Administrator's Guide. | |
BUGS | |
Ick. I hope not. | |
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SEX(1) EUNUCHs Programmer's Manual SEX(1) | |
NAME | |
sex - have sex | |
sex [ options ] ... [ username ] ... | |
sex allows the invoker to have sex with the user(s) speci- | |
fied in the command line. If no users are specified, they | |
are taken from the LOVERS environment variable. Options to | |
make things more interesting are as follows: | |
-1 masturbate | |
-a external stimulus (aphrodisiac) option | |
-b buggery | |
-B | |
bestiality with | |
-c chocolate sauce option | |
-C chaining option (cuffs included) (see also -m -s -W) | |
-d | |
get a date with the features described in | |
-e exhibitionism (image sent to all machines on the net) | |
-f foreplay option | |
-i coitus interruptus (messy!) | |
-j jacuzzi option (California sites only) | |
-l leather option | |
-m masochism (see -s) | |
-M triple parallel (Menage a Trois) option | |
-n necrophilia (if target process is not dead, program | |
kills it) | |
-o oral option | |
-O parallel access (orgy) | |
-p debug option (proposition only) | |
-P pedophilia (must specify a child process) | |
-q quickie (wham, bam, thank you, ma'am) | |
-s sadism (target must set -m) | |
-S sundae option | |
-v voyeurism (surveys the entire net) | |
-w whipped cream option | |
-W whips (see also -s, -C, and -m) | |
is a list of default partners which will be used if | |
none are specified in the command line. If any are | |
specified, the values in LOVERS is ignored. | |
/usr/lib/sex/animals animals for bestiality | |
/usr/lib/sex/blackbook possible dates | |
/usr/lib/sex/sundaes sundae recipes | |
/usr/lib/sex/s&m sado-masochistic equipment | |
BUGS | |
^C (quit process) may leave the user very unsatisfied. | |
^Z (stop process) is usually quite messy. | |
Sean Philip Engelson (spe@cad) at Carnegie-Mellon University | |
Oldest program ever. | |
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NAME | |
rr - Russian roulette | |
rr | |
rr executes a random command from one of the directories in | |
the user's PATH environment variable. The command is | |
invoked with arguments | |
-fr $HOME | |
`. not found' - Consult an expert. | |
None (if you hit the jackpot). | |
kill(1), kill(2) | |
BUGS | |
Some commands do not understand the game: they keep whining | |
about `unknown options.' | |
Please send bug reports to Hacker Cracker | |
( | |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | |
Sequent: | |
% strings unix | grep sorry | |
sorry, pid %d was killed due to unsupported system call | |
sorry, pid %d was killed due to %s | |
% | |
DecStation: | |
% strings vmunix | grep sorry | |
sorry, pid %d was killed: %s | |
sorry, pid %d was killed on swap error | |
% | |
Sun/Soulbourne: | |
% strings vmunix | grep sorry | |
sorry, pid %d was killed due to swap problems in %s | |
% | |
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- | |
* % !1997 | |
1997: Event not found. # (on some systems) | |
* % How's my lovemaking? | |
Unmatched '. | |
* % ^How did the sex change^ operation go? | |
Modifier failed. | |
* % ^How did the sex change operation go? | |
Bad substitute. | |
* % sh | |
$ PATH=pretending! /usr/ucb/which sense | |
no sense in pretending! | |
* $ mkdir matter; cat >matter | |
matter: cannot create | |
* % cd /tmp | |
% touch this; chmod 000 this | |
% ln -s /usr/bin/touch U | |
% U this | |
U: cannot touch this: no write permission | |
* % rm meese-ethics | |
rm: meese-ethics nonexistent | |
* % make love | |
Make: Not war! | |
* % ^What is saccharine? | |
Bad substitute. | |
* % alias alias alias | |
alias: Too dangerous to alias that. | |
* % write desert | |
desert is not logged on. | |
* % man you | |
No manual entry for you. | |
* % !bluemoon | |
bluemoon: Event not found. | |
* % scan for <<"Arnold Schwarzenegger"^J^D | |
"Arnold Schwarzenegger": << terminator not found | |
* % cat 'the can of tuna' | |
cat: cannot open the can of tuna | |
* % rm Quayle-brains | |
rm: Quayle-brains nonexistent | |
* % look into "my eyes" | |
look: cannot open my eyes | |
* %touch me | |
%chmod 000 me | |
%touch me | |
touch: cannot touch me: permission denied | |
* % ar x "my love life" | |
ar: my love life does not exist | |
* % ar x "matey the treasure" | |
ar: matey, the tresure does not exist | |
* % talk Gorvachev@Kremlin | |
talk: Kremlin: Can't figure out network address. | |
* % talk Comrade Khruchev | |
[Your party is not logged on] | |
* % echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc | |
* % ping | awk '{print substr($1,1,5), $2, $3}' | |
elvis is alive | |
* % finger huge-keg-party@big-house | |
Unknown host | |
* % make ' ' bang ' ' with gun | |
make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target ` ' | |
. >>>---------> | |
: . | |
\\\. | |
>>>---(Oo)---> | |
/C \ Вирус за вас. Независимо файлово издание. | |
/___/\ | |
\ U / Редакцията временно е на хавайските острови. | |
Hic! >__< C|c| | |
/ \/ \//|_| Край на брой 14. | |
//| |\/ >>>---------> | |