▄██▄ ▄██▄ ▄█▄ ▄████████▄ ▄██▄ ▄██▄ ▄███████▄ ▄▄ ▄██▄ ▄██▄ ▄██▄ ████ ████ █████ ███▀ ▀███ ████ ████ ████▀ ▀████ ████ ████ ████ ████ ████ ████ █████ ███▄ ▄███ ████ ████ ▀█████▄▄ ████▄▄████ ████ ████ ▀███▄ ▄███▀ █████ █████████▀ ████ ████ ▀▀█████▄ ▀█████████ ████ ████ ▀███████▀ █████ ████ ▀████▄ ███████████ ████▄ ▄████ ████ ███████████ ▀███▀ ▀█▀ ▀██▀ ▀██▀ ▀███████▀ ▀███████▀ ▀██▀ ▀███████▀ Ю=-=--==-=--==--==-=-=--=-==-=-=--=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Ю Ю В И Р У С З А В А С независимо файлово издание брой 14 31.12.1996 Ю Ю=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=ю Днес в броя... ТъТъеМ? - историята на един нещастен руут и някакъв си хакер. Пълноценното използване на unix системите - пълен самоучител. ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Лаф на деня! ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ DO ONTO OTHERS BEFORE THEY UNDO YOU !!! ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ И още.... ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ A vision without a task is but a dream A task without a vision is drudgery A vision with a task is the hope of the world. - Carved on a church, 1730 Surrey, England ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ AIX4 - новата OS на IBM ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ПЛАТЕНА ПУБЛИКАЦИЯ - ПЛАТЕНА ПУБЛИКАЦИЯ - ПЛАТЕНА ПУБЛИКАЦИЯ - ПЛАТЕНА ПУБЛИКА Новата операционна система на IBM е идеална за разрастващата се дейност на все по-нашумелите у нас ИСП-та. Тя ви гарантра сигурност, лесна поддръжка, добра защита на системните ресурси и повишена производителност. Тя повишава самочувствието на вашите потребители (АКА "абонати"). Поръчайте сега! За закупилите системата IBM предлага специална оферта на система AS/400 или RS/6000, като ви дава целия софтуер под наем, запазвайки правото си да го подмени или прибере обратно, което ви гарантира увереност в дълготрайната безпроблемна работа на вашата система! За контакти: selas@mtt.gb ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ Статия на броя ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Едно съвсем случайно приключение ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ от Юзер Ю-звер-ски ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ (Текст, upload-нат в new директорията на един столичен FidoNet BBS през guest account-а. Автор-неизвестен.) =-=-=-=-=-=- Начало на статията Седя си аз и си набирам 91919 за Inex такси, както всеки новоизлюпен хакер използвам модем за целта! Само дето моята клавиатура е малко разбърникана и съм принуден да използвам numpad-овете. Явно след дълга работа, пръстчето ми е трепнало леко надолу и съм объркал една от единиците. След малко (за моя почуда) чета на екрана следното: CONNECT 28000/ARQ/V34 ... и нищо. Като всеки тъп потребител праснах два-три-четири- пет бързи enter-а и кво? "Username>"! Тук у мен се събуди хакерското и се отказах да се прибирам да спя. От осмия път познах един account с име==парола и се linkup-нах :-) След като ми писна да си browse-вам напред-назад и да мънкам пи-пи-пи, реших да разгледам що за машина е тази... Меню. Малко меню. Пуска разни неща със system("") и... Елементарно! В системата има talk. А аз имам един стар приятел, казва се /bin/sh. Та talk-вам си аз с &/bin/sh и той от радост ми вика $... Абе аз не съм лош човек, иначе можех и да позабърша диск-два, ама нейсе. Поразгелдах системата, ама нищо интересно - само gif-ове от playboy.com. Дори и в home директориите на потребителите -- пак красавици... :) Сякаш си нямаме достатъчно в magdanoz... Тогава се сетих че ми трябва един нов twsk25g.exe и си пуснах find... След малко забелязвам -- root-а си седи пред машината и не му прави ни най-малко впечатление, че cd-то самоволно си върти. Както и да е, източих я. Еxit-нах. За радост router-а имаше help, при това context sensitive! Разгледах повечето му команди (за заинтересуваните са интересни se p, lo p 3, sh u, con address и доста други, абе вижте си ги сами). Писна ми. Какво толкова може един router. Е, не можах да го преконфигурирам на CTS/RTS handshake, за да мога да си пусна zmodem, ама какво от това... Пратих си нещата на myaddress@freenet.fi. :-) Под неща разбирайте passwd, shadow и някои други, които само като се изрекат на глас и идват няколко стари unix призрака от 01-01-1970... Разбира се, повечето потребители си ползваха Windows 95 и следващото забавление беше да сменя една две опции в системата, да си инсталирам 95 и да click-на на Network Neighbourhood... Умно е да си share-неш целия диск и да кажеш full access на Everyone :-( E, да ти преименуват winsock.dll на winsock.ldd може да се възприеме и като дребна приятелска шега в някои среди. Намерих и един ценен екземпляр с добре инсталиран Winдoze NT и разни екстра tools-ове! Реших, че е печен и му Shut-down-нах компютъра, с време за реагиране 120 секунди. Тъпо е да имаш DHCP и да не погледнеш в Properties, нали? ;-) Писна ми и това дребно удоволствие и реших да почета малко поща. Поща ли? Каква поща? Нали току що бях влязъл и то не като аз? Ами много е просто - чуждата, разбира се! Това обаче е удоволствие, само когато хората са на ниво... След като прочетох около 20 съобщения за това как е мама и много поздрави на хиляди неизвестни хора, няколко договора за внос/износ на какви_ли_не_дивотии, реших да събера всичката поща (~/mail/inbox/*) и да си grep-вам за нещо по-интересно. До половината вървеше flawlessly, ама се намри някакъв гад, който беше влизал преди мен в sh и си беше направил правата за ~/ както правят белите хора... Отказах се и от това, но поне до неговата директория прегледах почти всичко - нищо интересно. :( Реших и аз да се правя на сериозен хакер и да си позачистя следите... Е, не е кой-знае колко трудно да се сетиш да напишеш rm .sh_* като първа команда, защото в новите unix системи се срещат и разни екстри като recycle bin например... Писна ли ви да четете кой-какво-къде бил правил? Искате да знаете как? Ами не е трудно... Речник: ei, bdata, bti, smartcom, tradel, /etc/passwd... =-=-=-=-=-=- Край на статията ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Виц на броя ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ These two strings walk into a bar and sit down. The bartender says, "So what'll it be?" The first string says, "I think I'll have a beer quag fulk boorg jdk^CjfdLk jk3s d#f67howe%^U r89nvy~~owmc63^Dz x.xvcu" "Please excuse my friend." the second string says, "He isn't null-terminated." ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ КОЛОНКА НА РЕДАКТОРИТЕ ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ Strange kidS or stupid kidS ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ от Winnie the PooH ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ === Cut === WP: Hi Stoian, this is your sysop WP: hello SS: Hello WP: you will never download the file using these bad protocols X and Y modem.. WP: try Zmodem SS: My program does not support zmodem WP: then the bad thing is your program. find another one and then try again! SS: iskam da te pitam v DOS ili v Windows e po dobre da se svarzvam WP: zawisi.. za DOS ima mnogo po-dobri terminalni programi. za Windows puk ima WP: drugi neshta.. zawisi.. SS: Kazaha mi che v windows e po bavno WP: towa ne e problem, zashtoto mozhe da se smeni comm.drv i da se oprawi. SS: Prochete li v maila te pitam nesto WP: ne. oshte ne sum si chel poshtata.. SS: Pitam te dali moze v Internet da se pazaruva s chuzdi credit card WP: mozhe, no e po-weroiatno da te hwanat. WP: I kakwo sa si kupili do sega? SS: Mnogo ot moite priateli go prawiat no s drebni sumi i CD,flanelki i dr. WP: Towa ne e garancia, che wyobshte sa izpolzwali creditni carti SS: Te imat niakakwi nomera i kazvat che kato iskash da kupish prosto popalvash SS: nomera WP: ne stawa.ima drugi neshta, koito se proweriawat po-kusno.. naprimer - adres, WP: ssn (social security number) i t.n. predi 5 godini beshe po-wyzmozhno-sega WP: ne. WP: Po zakonite na USA i na drugite ewropejski durzhawi, izpolzwanet na kreditni WP: karti na chuzhdi sobstwenici e uglawno prestuplenie s osobeno golemi razmeri. WP: Nakazanieto e goliamo, globata sushto. Mogat da wi razkataiat. Nishto, che WP: sme WP: w Bulgaria. I wyobshte - po-dobre ne se prawete na smeli hackercheta. SS: Toest ti mi kazvash che oste stava no ne mi go preporachvash Niakoi okolo SS: tebe SS: hvastali li sa go WP: s fanelki CompuServe i AOL se motaiat po ulitzite i se gordeiat, che sa WP: otkradnali! kak wyobshte si mislite za towa ? shto ne wlozhite WP: polozhitelnata WP: si energia i poznania za komputrite w neshto, koeto shte wi nosi mnogo puti WP: poweche pari!? SS: 1-Ti li si avtora na VFU-to SS: 2-Koe spored tebe nosi mnogo pari v Bulgaria SS: 3-Triabva da sabiram 1 week pari za da si kupia markova flanelka s mizernite SS: si LEVOVI spestiavania WP: 1-az biah awtor, t.e. sy-awtor na VFU-tata. WP: 2-towa e neshto, koeto sam triabwa da otkriesh. to taka na gotowo - ne WP: stawa. WP: 3-syzhaliawam. da si se rodil na drugo miasto. no yawno ne si, taka, che ne WP: wizhdam prichina towa da te kara da kradesh. WP: 4-az se sumniawam, che wyobshte niakoi ot was osuznawa polozhenieto si i WP: wsyshtnost kakwo prawi. smiatate, che e mnogo hitro da izpolzwate na niakoi WP: chowek parite, dori bez da go poznawate. bez da znaete, na tozi imenno WP: chowek edna takawa krazhba kak shte mu se otrazi? imate li danni za towa, WP: dali toi plashta smetkata i znaesh li kakwo e da niamash drug izbor WP: oswen da ya platish? SS: V USA horata opredeleno ne sa za milost i tova ne e tochno krazba i zasto SS: pishesh v VFU-to samo loshi nesta za nas kato nie samo se opitvame da SS: ziveem dobre????????? WP: Na kolko si godini? SS: Na malko WP: Kolko? SS: malko WP: 13? SS: poveche WP: 14? SS: poveche kakvo te interesuva WP: Mi zashto si kriesh wyzrastta? SS: a ti zasto me pitash WP: Interesno mi e. SS: a ti na kolko si WP: Smiatash li, che e chestno taka da postupwash? Sys sigurnost sum po-goliam WP: ot teb, zadadoh ti wypros, ti pochna da mi se prawish... Kazhi sega na WP: kolko si godini i az shte ti kazha. SS: na 19 WP: Ne ti wiarwam. SS: zasto WP: Kakwo uchish? SS: Ucha v Mladost uchilishteto za computeri WP: Deto e kum MEI? SS: Yes pravo v celta WP: Ok. W moita firma raboti edno momche deto minalata godina go zawurshi. WP: Dokato WP: beshe oshte w uchilishte mi razprawiashe za nego.. Kakto i da e.. Toi sega WP: e w WP: MEI, a nawurshi 19 predi 3 mesetza. Taka, che mnogo losho me izluga. SS: E, moze malko da sum izlagal WP: da. naprimer s kolko godini? SS: 2 WP: 17. nali? a mozhe bi oshte ne si gi nawurshil. SS: sega ste vzimam knizka(driver-ska) taka che 17+ WP: za kakwo goworia. ili razgowariaj s majka ti na taia tema. SS: Ia mi kachi price listata za internet WP: imam go samo na hartia tuk.. obadi se i wlez kato guest. WP: ama tam mozhesh da ya widish samo na ekrana ili s zmodem. SS: Imam zmodem no tova e drug vapros , znaesh li vchera se zamislih kakva e SS: dalaverata(pechalbata) ot BBS mozesh li da mi obiasnish ako ne te ,marzi WP: ne me marzi, ama wseki Sysop si ima sobstweno mnenie. Az go prawia za kef WP: weche. ot 6 godini imam BBSi. Ne samo edin. I dosega finansowa dalawera ne WP: sum WP: widial.. Oswen trupaneto na tui narechenite Nematerialni Aktiwi. No towa e WP: neshto, koeto shte mi e trudno da ti obiasnia s pisane. SS: No vse pak tova te vkarva v razhodi pone tiah pokrivash li WP: pokriwam gi, no ne s prihodi ot BBSite. a s druga rabota. SS: A kakvo oznachava XaX WP: Nishto. :) SS: CPS rate triabva da dava sredno WP: 2400 e mnogo bawno. Ama mnogo bawno. Wsushtnost za drugi neshta oswen za WP: chetene na poshta i chat ne stawa weche. Edno wreme az sushto sum bil na WP: 2400, WP: no e otwratitelno. A i sega cenite sa mnogo niski. Edin 14400 modem s voice WP: struwa pod 60 dolara. Kakto i da e. XaX i wsichki ostanali moi systemi sa na WP: 33600. SS: Viarno 14400 struva pod 60 no bokluk a ne markov WP: Ne e zadulzhitelno da si kupuwash markov modem. Ima mnogo dobri zhulti WP: modemi. WP: Towa e wyzmozhno da stawa i ot drugi prichini. Primerno, che twoiat priatel WP: ne WP: znae kak da si go nastroi. Ima mnogo neshta ot koito zawisi skorostta. I w WP: powecheto sluchai ne e ot modema. SS: miDobre da ama moia dava sredno 330 istiga do 550 tova za mene e SS: zadovolitelno SS: i e dobre za 2400 , spored mene v BG niama nuzda ot po dobar WP: ne priemam twoeto mnenie za wiarno i ne smiatam, che shte go zadurzhish WP: dulgo WP: wreme. 330-550 CPS mozhesh da poluchish SAMO na textowi - nekompresirani WP: failowe, i to ako modemut ti poddurzha data compression. W protiwen sluchai WP: maximumut, koito mozhesh da postignesh e 250-270 CPS! WP: Na krastawiachar... nali znaesh prikazkata? SS: Ne e viarno naTvoia kolko CPS ti dava WP: moia :)) moia dawa 3500. SS: Dobre de niakoi hora kazvat che kolkoto ida e dobar modema v BG ne moze da SS: se SS: izkara mnogo WP: ami twoiat problem e, che im wiarwash! SS: Kolko e max. BPS koito si izkarval WP: fizicheskata skorot na modema mi e 33600. SS: IZKARAL SI 33600 WP: estestweno! Abe pich, kato ne wiarwash - ela da widish! kwo mi gubish WP: wremeto WP: da mi razkazwah niakoi debil kakwo ti bil kazal!!!!!!! SS: Kazi mi koi ot zaltite sa dobri WP: powecheto ot tiah sa bezimenni. SS: A SmartLink WP: stawa. SS: Ama ne WP: Problemut, ne e w modema wi, a w negowia setup. SS: DEMEK WP: Demek, chetete knizhki. SS: Da TOVA GO ZNAM WP: Ok. Za drugoto - drugia put. SS: krai WP: chao SS: ok SHE SE VIDIM WP: ok.. chao === Cut === ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-= ▄═─═─═─═─═▄═▄═ ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ UNIX Самоучител (Продължава от VFU.013) ░▀░▄ V.F.U. ▀░▄░ ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ═▀═▀═─═─═─═▀═▀═ pooh:~# rm -r * ~ ~: no such file or directory *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- ~#@! ATTENTION! Proceedin' furthermore can degrade your motional skills (*&^ $^*%&^ and make you misbehave properly in society! #@$^&* *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- baby(1) USER COMMANDS baby(1) NAME baby - create new process from two parents SYNOPSIS baby -sex m | f [ -name name ] DESCRIPTION baby is initiated when one parent process polls another server process through a socket connection in the BSD ver- sion or through pipes in the System V implementation. baby runs at low priority for approximately forty weeks and then terminates with a heavy system load. Most systems require constant monitoring when baby reaches its final stages of execution. Older implentations of baby did not require both initiating processes to be present at the time of completion. In those versions the initiating process which was not present was awakened and notified of the results upon completion. It has since been determined that the presence of both parent processes result in a generally lower system load at comple- tion, and thus current versions of baby expect both parent processes to be active during the final stages. Successful completion of baby results in the creation and naming of a new process. Parent processes then broadcast messages to all other processes, local and remote, informing them of their new status. OPTIONS -sex define the gender of the created process -name assign the name name to the new process EXAMPLES baby -sex f -name Jacqueline completed successfully on July 9, 1992 at 9:11pm. Jacqueline's vital statistics: 8 pounds 3 oz, 20 inches long dark hair. The parent process, Kim Dunbar, is reportedly doing fine. SEE ALSO cigar(6), dump(5), cry(3). BUGS Despite its complexity, baby only knows one signal, SIGCHLD, (or SIGCLD in the System V implementation), which it uses to contact the parent processes. One or both parent processes must then inspect the baby process to determine the cause of the signal. The sleep command may not work as expected on either parent process for some time afterward, as each new instance of baby sends intermittent signals to the parent processes which must be handled by the parents immediately. A baby process will frequently dump core, requiring either or both parent processes to clean up after it. Despite the reams of available documentation on invoking and maintaining baby, most parent processes are overwhelmed. AUTHORS From a man page by Joe Beck, . =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- LSD(1) UNIX Programmer's Manual LSD(1) NAME lsd - turn off your mind, relax, and float downstream SYNOPSIS lsd [ -dsS ] brandname user ... DESCRIPTION Disturbs the given users according to dosage, set, and setting. If more than one user is specified, each will be affected by the others, according to the arguments they give to lsd on their own terminals or machines. It is recommended that one of the users in a group specify a dose of 0, and that at least one other user be experienced in using lsd. Brandname is usually a blotter pattern, but may be used to specify a non-blotter form, such as "windowpane" or "pyramid." There are a number of options, each of which can have a strange and not completely predictable effect on the users: -d Dosage. A dosage of 1 to 3 is recommended for first time users, although strength varies with brandname and storage conditions. -s Set. Recommended values are "calm," "happy," and "groovy." Sets like "angry," "frustrated," and "bummed" may cause file system damage, and should be avoided. For these sets, other utilities are available (see "valium"). -S Setting. Recommended are "familiar," "interesting," and "comfortable." Hostile and challenging settings are reserved for experienced users. FILES /etc/trips is a log of system-wide use of lsd since booting. BUGS When invoked with incorrect arguments, lsd will print out a random, Unixy-sounding error message and remove this man page. User state should return to normal in twelve hours or less after invoking lsd. With extreme parameters, however, this cannot always be guaranteed. The output device is assumed to be 80 columns wide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SLeePos(zzz) SleepIX Programmer's Manual dream(1l) NAME dream - suspend execution for an interval while executing random code in memory SYNTAX dream [-d][[-nrRsw] [time]] DESCRIPTION Dream suspends execution of the current proces for time seconds, while simulating a dream sequence by executing random segments of code in memory. All devices are paralyzed (blocked) to prevent dangerous side-effects. The options are as follows: -d daydream. code seems to be more related to the actual suspended process, and suspension will be for a limited amount of time. Attention can be restored by snapping fingers next to keyboard. -n nightmare. Repeated references to the system error logs are made during execution. -r recurring. The code of a previous execution will be re-selected for this dream. -R REM (Rapid Eye Movement). The current value of the PC is is flashed on the screen for every instruction. -s sleepwalking. Tape drives will be sent many alternating fast-forward and rewind requests and/or line printers sent many alternating carraige-return and tab codes to promote movement of machine(s) across floor. Stopping these devices may confuse the program. -w wet dream. The code is selected from the sex(1l) program. Dream will invoke automatically with the -d option when the system proves extremely slow. The relation of the randomly-executed code to the subconcious (background tasks) of the current processes is suspected but has not been proven. WARNING do not select the -w option without covering the keyboard. SEE ALSO sleep(1), sex(1l), dream(3l), alarm(3C) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- PLACE(1) Parody Systems PLACE(1) NAME place - print and set the system location SYNOPSIS place [ [-v] [-]ddmmss[-]dddmmss ] [ +format ] DESCRIPTION If no argument is given, or if the argument begins with ``+'', the current location (latitude and longitude) are printed. Otherwise, the current location is set by teleporting the system. The first dd is the degrees of latitude (negative for south); mm is the minutes of latitude; ss is the seconds of latitude. The second ddd is the degrees of longitude (negative for west); and so on. For example: place 385100-1050300 sets the location of the system to the top of Pikes Peak, Colorado. The correct altitude is automatically provided and cannot be specified. The system operates in feet. Place takes care of the conversion to and from local standard measurement units. When a new location is set, all logged-in terminals and users are transported along with all other system peripherals. If the -v (verbose) option is specified when a new location is set, place prints a running description of the locations the system passes through enroute to the given destination. Note that this can slow down transport time considerably, from instantaneous to however long it takes to print the description to standard output. This option is not recommended if stdout is a terminal connected at less than 4800 baud, since hitting BREAK can leave the system stranded. Attempting to set the place off-planet generates a warning, and requires an extra confirmation from the (super)user. If the argument begins with ``+'', the output of place is under the control of the user. The format for the output is similar to that of date(1). All output fields which use hours, minutes, or seconds are applicable (substitute "degrees" for hours, where appropriate). Place writes an accounting record on the file /usr/adm/wtmp. DIAGNOSTICS No permission If you aren't the super-user and you try to move the system. bad conversion If the place set is syntactically incorrect, or below sea level. bad format character If the field descriptor is not recognizable. FILES /dev/kmem /usr/adm/wtmp /usr/lib/altitudes AUTHOR Alan Silverstein, Hewlett-Packard SEE ALSO date(1), whereami(1), whothefuckami(1) BUGS If there is not a supply of compatible electric power at the new location, the system usually crashes before place finishes writing accounting information to /usr/adm/wtmp. This command should not be used on systems connected to a Local Area Network, for obvious reasons.   =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- NCM(1) (Essential Fluids) NCM(1) NAME ncm - new coffee maker SYNOPSIS ncm [ -RadCxmlnogrtucpFbqisf ] [caf|decaf|columbian] DESCRIPTION For each available heating unit, ncm determines if coffee exists, is hot, and is not tar(4). If any of these are true, the necessary actions are taken to change the situation as required, or as specified by the environment variable BURNERS. ncp then gathers the necessary material and proceeds. The -M option makes coffee in the morning. The drinkinfo(4) database is used to determine the blend and the amount of caffeine, based on the environment variables DRINK, TZ, and the current time. If this information cannot be obtained, full strength Maxwell House is assumed. The ncm command has many, many more than the following options, not all of which are currently supported. Some may never be supported. We are really busy here, and we will try to get around to it as soon as possible, but Doc is breathing down my neck to get something else done, so you will just have to be patient!: -R Recursively make coffee until all resources are exhausted. -a Generate aroma only. -l The same as -n except slower. -d Brew decaf. Will not operate before 10:30 am. -n The same as -l -j Use Jamaica Blue Mountain primo special. This can only be executed by coffeadmin. -r Reverse the order of brewing to get newest first or oldest first as appropriate. -v Execute the vgrind(1) program before proceeding for a fresher brew. EXAMPLES ncp -ldm NOW! Make lots of coffee now! FILES /etc/grinder /etc/filter SEE ALSO tee(1), coke(1), sync(1). NOTES The ncm command may be used as a filter. For more information see the "Making Good Coffee" section of Chapter 10 of the Kitchen Administrator's Guide. BUGS Ick. I hope not. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SEX(1) EUNUCHs Programmer's Manual SEX(1) NAME sex - have sex SYNOPSIS sex [ options ] ... [ username ] ... DESCRIPTION sex allows the invoker to have sex with the user(s) speci- fied in the command line. If no users are specified, they are taken from the LOVERS environment variable. Options to make things more interesting are as follows: -1 masturbate -a external stimulus (aphrodisiac) option -b buggery -B bestiality with -c chocolate sauce option -C chaining option (cuffs included) (see also -m -s -W) -d get a date with the features described in -e exhibitionism (image sent to all machines on the net) -f foreplay option -i coitus interruptus (messy!) -j jacuzzi option (California sites only) -l leather option -m masochism (see -s) -M triple parallel (Menage a Trois) option -n necrophilia (if target process is not dead, program kills it) -o oral option -O parallel access (orgy) -p debug option (proposition only) -P pedophilia (must specify a child process) -q quickie (wham, bam, thank you, ma'am) -s sadism (target must set -m) -S sundae option -v voyeurism (surveys the entire net) -w whipped cream option -W whips (see also -s, -C, and -m) ENVIRONMENT LOVERS is a list of default partners which will be used if none are specified in the command line. If any are specified, the values in LOVERS is ignored. FILES /usr/lib/sex/animals animals for bestiality /usr/lib/sex/blackbook possible dates /usr/lib/sex/sundaes sundae recipes /usr/lib/sex/s&m sado-masochistic equipment BUGS ^C (quit process) may leave the user very unsatisfied. ^Z (stop process) is usually quite messy. MAN AUTHOUR Sean Philip Engelson (spe@cad) at Carnegie-Mellon University HISTORY Oldest program ever. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RR(1) USER COMMANDS RR(1) NAME rr - Russian roulette SYNOPSIS rr DESCRIPTION rr executes a random command from one of the directories in the user's PATH environment variable. The command is invoked with arguments -fr $HOME DIAGNOSTICS `. not found' - Consult an expert. FILES None (if you hit the jackpot). SEE ALSO kill(1), kill(2) BUGS Some commands do not understand the game: they keep whining about `unknown options.' Please send bug reports to Hacker Cracker (Postmaster@vfu.hcb.bg). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Sequent: % strings unix | grep sorry sorry, pid %d was killed due to unsupported system call sorry, pid %d was killed due to %s % DecStation: % strings vmunix | grep sorry sorry, pid %d was killed: %s sorry, pid %d was killed on swap error % Sun/Soulbourne: % strings vmunix | grep sorry sorry, pid %d was killed due to swap problems in %s % =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * % !1997 1997: Event not found. # (on some systems) * % How's my lovemaking? Unmatched '. * % ^How did the sex change^ operation go? Modifier failed. * % ^How did the sex change operation go? Bad substitute. * % sh $ PATH=pretending! /usr/ucb/which sense no sense in pretending! * $ mkdir matter; cat >matter matter: cannot create * % cd /tmp % touch this; chmod 000 this % ln -s /usr/bin/touch U % U this U: cannot touch this: no write permission * % rm meese-ethics rm: meese-ethics nonexistent * % make love Make: Not war! * % ^What is saccharine? Bad substitute. * % alias alias alias alias: Too dangerous to alias that. * % write desert desert is not logged on. * % man you No manual entry for you. * % !bluemoon bluemoon: Event not found. * % scan for <<"Arnold Schwarzenegger"^J^D "Arnold Schwarzenegger": << terminator not found * % cat 'the can of tuna' cat: cannot open the can of tuna * % rm Quayle-brains rm: Quayle-brains nonexistent * % look into "my eyes" look: cannot open my eyes * %touch me %chmod 000 me %touch me touch: cannot touch me: permission denied * % ar x "my love life" ar: my love life does not exist * % ar x "matey the treasure" ar: matey, the tresure does not exist * % talk Gorvachev@Kremlin talk: Kremlin: Can't figure out network address. * % talk Comrade Khruchev [Your party is not logged on] * % echo '[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq'|dc GET A LIFE! * % ping elvis.rice.edu | awk '{print substr($1,1,5), $2, $3}' elvis is alive * % finger huge-keg-party@big-house Unknown host * % make ' ' bang ' ' with gun make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target ` ' . >>>---------> : . \\\. >>>---(Oo)---> /C \ Вирус за вас. Независимо файлово издание. /___/\ \ U / Редакцията временно е на хавайските острови. Hic! >__< C|c| / \/ \//|_| Край на брой 14. //| |\/ >>>--------->